
The major task of the Industrial Battery Consortium is to transfer battery safety technolgies to our industrial sponsors. The main deliberable of the program is the computational files (input models and executables) and experimental data files to be provided as a CAE package and updated on a semi-annual basis. 

Semi-annual Review Meetings

The two semi-annual review meetings serve as a forum for the technology transfer to the sponsors. The spring review meeting will be hosted by one of the project participants in either Europe, Asia, or the United States. The fall review meeting will be held at MIT. Those two meetings per year will constitute the first-order deliverable of the sponsors.
(The booklets of the Fall meetings are open to public. Click here for a full list; Presentations in PDF or PPT formats are only avaible to sponsors, login is required.)

Publications and Reports

The publications and reports serve as the second-order deliverable to the sponsors. While they will finally become open to the general public, the sponsors should always get the early access to the documents and have the privilege to the supplementary raw data, processed data, figures and plots, etc. (Click here for the full list of publications. Login is required to get access to the supplementaries.)