
Mon, 04/26/2021

Our team led by Professor Tomasz Wierzbicki at MIT Mechanical Engineering is looking for a highly motivated Postdoctoral Associate in the area of machine learning for solid-state batteries. The candidate is expected to develop machine-learning-based computational tools for the characterization...

Fri, 11/20/2020

Two separate sessions were held, one for Europe & Eastern US and the other for Asia & Western US. A total number of 70 registered participants enjoyed our presentations and the discussions. 

Europe & Eastern US Session:

8 am – 12 pm (Eastern...

Thu, 06/18/2020

This year, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, we held the Interim Meeting virtually. 

Because our industrial sponsors locates in different time zones, two separate sessions were organized, one for Europe & Eastern US and the other for Asia & Western US.

Mon, 12/02/2019

Please email Dr. Juner Zhu for the PDF of the proposal.

Sun, 09/15/2019

Please email Dr. Juner Zhu ( for the PDF document of the proposal.